The office of the branch be located at the Department of Commerce, Vidyasagar University, Midnapore, West Bengal – 721 102. However, the office of the Secretary may move to any other place as per his / her affiliation or convenience.
Creation and dissemination of knowledge in the field of Accounting, Finance, Management, Economics and such other related disciplines.
Arranging for seminars, conferences, symposia, workshops, etc. on sustained basis at regional, national and international levels either severally or jointly with any higher educational institution including university, professional institution, corporate body, etc. It may accept donation or contribution from any individual/ association of person (AOP)/trust to finance the organizational expenses. In case of AOP/Trust it may formally collaborate.
Publication of Journal on regular basis.
Improving the environment for research activity in the related fields.
Sponsoring needy but meritorious students in the related disciplines.
Promoting Accounting and Financial education in the society. A separate Association of Persons/Trust may be formed in pursuit of the objective
Guidance for pursuing professional and career-oriented courses in related disciplines.
Providing guidance, consultancy, etc. to the interested institutions in formulating and imparting state-of-the-art curriculum on professional and academic courses in the related disciplines.
Taking joint initiative with corporate bodies in providing theoretical and practical training to the corporate employees on modern accounting, auditing, finance and other related areas.
Eligibility: Membership is open to those having minimum of 18 years of age and in teaching, research, the accounting profession, etc., and are willing to associate in the advancement of accounting knowledge.
Categories: The members of the Branch shall be of two categories: (i) Individual Member, and (ii) Institutional Member. An individual shall pay Rs. 3,600 for Individual Life Membership Fee and Rs. 500 for Individual Annual Membership (Non-voting) Fee. Institutional Life Membership Fee and Institutional Annual Membership Fee shall be Rs. 8,000 and Rs. 2000 respectively. 75% of such membership fee shall be remitted to the Parent Association. The above-mentioned membership fees may change in future according to the change made by the Parent Association.
Voting Rights: Subject to any right or restriction for the time being attached to membership, every life member present in person shall have one vote.
Other Rights: Life members of the Branch shall be entitled to receive the copies of the Journal published by Indian Accounting Association during his/her tenure as life member
Non-transferability of membership: The membership of the Branch and all the rights attached to it shall not be transferred to any other person. However, a member can transfer his/her membership to any other branch as per parent association’s norm.
There shall be an Executive Committee to frame up guidelines for smooth and effective functioning of the Branch and to manage and supervise its functions in accomplishment of the objectives. The composition of Office Bearers in the executive committee of the Branch shall be as follows –
Vice Chairman
Joint Secretary, and
Chief Editor (ex-officio)
Besides electing the office bearers as mentioned above, the members present in the AGM will also elect members other than the office bearers in the executive committee of the Branch. In the AGM, a few other members, the number of which cannot be definite in a particular year, may be co-opted in the executive committee preferably from the absentees. The purpose of co-option shall be restricted to acknowledge the contribution of any member who has remained active earlier or taken keen interest in the Branch activities earlier, but for any reason could not make himself / herself available in the AGM. Besides, to give suitable representation to different districts or regions, members may have to be coopted if there is no representation from such district or region.
The general body, in AGM, will decide the actual size of the executive committee. The quorum of any meeting of such committee shall be 1/3 of the total members. To become eligible for reconsideration of being a member of the executive committee in the next AGM, any member other than the co-opted member should attend at least one meeting held in a particular preceding period.
The new Secretary of the Branch will communicate the all-India General Secretary the new Executive Committee of the Branch including its Office bearers. As per the Bye-law of the parent body, election in the positions of Office bearers and Executive Committee has to be held at least once in every three years.
Chairman of the Branch is the highest position which is highly honoured and therefore to enable scope of the name of any senior Professor getting proposed and duly seconded in the AGM in such a position, the members present in the AGM may elect the Chairman in absentia.
All the national Executive members be _ex-officio_members in the Branch executive committee. They need not be elected in any AGM although if they wish they may consider themselves for election by remaining present in any AGM. The tenure of membership if they do not opt for election will end with the completion of the membership in the national EC, however subject to a maximum 3 months' time until the next Branch AGM is held. Even if they are absent in any AGM of the Branch where the matter of constitution of its Executive Committee will come up for discussion, they will be treated to be regular members in future.
To chair all meetings of the Branch and of the Executive Committee and to conduct and regulate the business thereat.
To exercise casting vote in the case of a tie in the results of any vote (whether by show of hands or on poll) taking place in any meeting of the Branch and of the Executive Committee.
To chair all meetings of the Branch and of the Executive Committee and to conduct and regulate the business thereat in case Chairman remains absent.
To carry on such other duties as may be assigned by the Chairman and/or by Executive Committee from time to time.
To convene general meeting and meeting of the Executive Committee with the consent of the President and make arrangements for that meetings.
To decide the agenda to be transacted in the general meeting and meeting of the Executive Committee.
To maintain all records and documents of every kind related to the activities of the Branch.
To exercise supervision over the functioning of various committees and sub-committees formed for different purposes from time to time.
To execute and sign different documents, deeds, agreements, etc. on behalf of the Branch under the Seal of the Branch provided that the matter leading to such execution is already passed in a meeting of the Executive Committee and / or in a general meeting of the Branch.
To carry out such other duties as may be assigned by the Executive Committee from time to time.
To convene general meeting and meeting of the Executive Committee with the consent of the Chairman and make arrangements for that meetings in case Secretary remains absent.
To carry out such other duties as may be assigned by the Executive Committee from time to time.
To receive membership fees and other receipts on behalf of the Branch, issue money receipts of the Branch in that respect and deposit the same in the Savings Bank Account of the Branch.
To act as a signatory in all the bank accounts of the Branch.
To receive any asset or property on behalf of the Branch and keep it under proper custody, with prior approval of the Executive Committee.
To record all financial transactions in the books of accounts of the Branch and to preserve supporting documents/evidences in respect of all receipts and payments.
To prepare financial statements comprising Receipts and Payments Account, Income Statement and Balance Sheet of the Branch for every accounting year and get the same audited by an authorized auditor.
To place the financial statements of the Branch at the meeting of the Executive Committee for its adoption and approval and thereafter at the Annual General Meeting for its acceptance by the members of the Branch.
To prepare income and expenditure budget of the Branch.
To advise the Executive Committee for proper and prudent utilization of the funds of the Branch and to suggest for making fixed deposit with the surplus fund, if any.
To take care of all other financial matters in consultation with the Secretary and/or the Executive Committee.
To accept the role of publishing the e-journal of the Branch, named "Business Spectrum" on a half-yearly basis and any other academic publication including Edited Volume and Special Volume.
To coordinate with the Executive Editor and Desk Editor in respect of publication of journal and volume as mentioned in (a) above and guide them in respect of such publications.
To suggest names of Reviewers in the Editorial Board in addition to those selected in the AGM of the Branch subject to confirmation of the same in the Executive Committee.
To suggest agencies for maintaining the website of the Branch and to get one selected in the meeting of the Executive Committee.
To seek suggestion of the President of the Branch if it is deemed to be appropriate to resolve any dispute in relation to publication.
To seek suggestion from any external expert for improving the quality of publications.
To take all necessary steps for getting the publications properly listed and indexed for giving them wide readership, at the same time improving the quality of such publications.
There shall be three main functionaries of the Editorial Board, namely Chief Editor, Executive Editor and Desk Editor, who will be elected in the AGM of the branch as and when new Executive Committee is elected. In case any of such functionaries resigns or ceases to act in the given capacity for any reason, the Chairman of the Branch, under the advice of the Chief Editor/Executive committee of the Branch may nominate anyone as suitable replacement. There will not be any condition as regards the personal presence of the said main functionaries in the AGM of the branch. The Chief Editor will be elected as an ex-officio member of the Office bearers / Executive Committee even in absentia, the other functionaries may be the member/s of the Executive Committee of the branch following the normal election procedure as laid down in the Constitution.
Editorial Board is to function as an autonomous board in which external members from outside the branch as well as internal members with in the branch may be nominated as members for reviewing articles to be submitted for publication in the journal. Executive committee of the branch may suggest the names of such members to be nominated or the Chief Editor may nominate such members in the Board after discussing in the meeting with the other main functionaries and taking due approval of the Chairman of the Branch in due course.
Secretary and Treasurer (ex-offcio) and any other member of the Executive Committee as to be nominated by it in the first meeting after every AGM or thereafter in any other meeting in case of any exigency, be nominated to be the accountholders (or, signatories) of the Bank accounts of the Branch. Any two of the three signatories have to put their signature jointly for initiating any banking transaction on behalf of the branch.
A separate bank account in a convenient location be opened for any significant academic event, which does not come under the normal activities of the Branch, in case the principal organizers of such an event so desire. This would require a summarised reporting of the financial transactions of the event after its completion relating the designated bank account as to be preferably audited too by a professional Chartered Accountant. The operation of such a Bank Account shall be under the management of the principal organizers, preferablely one Secretary and one Treasurer of the event, who can operate the said bank account on ‘either or survivor basis’.
The Executive Committee is authorized to frame rules from time to time for the institution of Awards, Endowments, Research Fellowship and Scholarship if any.
If any member is involved in civil or criminal offense/s and found guilty by the Court or any other Competent Authority, the Executive Committee of the branch can expel such member after obtaining and verifying relevant documents. Such a member shall ipso facto cease to be a member of the association.
Any member resorting to any unfair means/misbehaviour in the election/public life can be debarred from membership after a proper inquiry by the committee constituted by the Executive Committee.
Decision of the Executive Committee shall be final in this regard which will be reported to the all-India General Secretary of the association.
Any amendment or alteration in the Constitution/Bye-Laws of the Association shall be placed by any member to the Chairman at least before fifteen days of the date of the proposed date of the AGM which may then be permitted by the President to be included as an agendum and has to be passed by at least two-thirds majority of the members present.
If any context arises for which there is no adequate provision in any section, the relevant provision in the Constitution/Bye-law of IAA (National body) shall be applicable,